LNT ( Leave no trace ) principles
The most important part, ie. the basis of the hiking culture, which refers to how to behave towards the trail and the nature that surrounds it, is contained in the LNT principles.
– LNT (Leave No Trace) – the name itself says that the goal is to leave no trace after our passage through nature.
The basic LNT principles that should be followed when staying in nature:
– Do not defecate on or near the path, and especially not immediately or near water (mountain springs, streams, rivers, lakes). The place where you defecate should be at least 30m away from the trail itself and away from mountain waters.
– To defecate, you need to dig a hole with a depth of 15-20 cm and then fill it up. Try not to leave the toilet paper in the hole, but pack it in a garbage bag and throw it in the first container when you can.
– Do not use soap and hygiene products in and near mountain water. Wash body parts, dishes and clothing away from water sources.
– Never leave trash behind you. Pack all your trash, and even if you are able to, pack any trash you find along the way that isn’t yours.
– Do not write on rocks, trees, signs or anywhere in general.
– Do not take parts of nature, i.e. leave things where they are.
– Do not light a fire unnecessarily, and if you do, try to use already existing places where someone has lit a fire before.
In the context of the last principle and the following warning: Never start a fire in dry periods and in places with dry vegetation. Never leave a fire unattended and never leave the area until the fire and all embers are completely extinguished. The base of a burning fire can remain active even after you think it’s out, and can even spread underground through tree roots!